自1987年成立以來,大億彈簧一直致力於提供客戶最完整最專業的服務在製作生產精密彈簧或其他金屬到製造領域, 透過一開始的工程設計流程到最終製造及包裝出貨, 確保每個流程都符合最高品質標準。
在此規範下大億公司已通過ISO 9001及ISO 14001認證,專業製造各種彈簧、沖壓件,並嚴格遵守 ISO系統標準及規範。同時也取得了其他第三方認證,包括鄧白氏企業認證Dun&Bradstreet(D&B)和德國萊因認證TÜVRheinland。並且在松下電器嚴格認證下,成為松下電器的綠色夥伴。
ISO 9001- Quality Management Systems
TSMC's ISO 9001:2015 certification further assure our commitment to quality excellence and delivering the best products with outstanding service levels. ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system which carries out regular audits to ensure compliance with the standard. We at TSMC are proud to announce we achieved our first ISO 9001:2000 in 2006. In 2008 the certification was upgraded to ISO 9001: 2008 and is now the latest revision of ISO 9001:2015 certified company. The scope of Tech Spring's certification includes: Manufacturing, Molding, Stamping & Assembly of Metal Parts. As an ISO 9001 registered spring and metal parts manufacturer, we are committed to complete customer satisfaction in the quality of our products and service from design to delivery. We strive to our principle of quality, integrity and service with continuous improvement goals and exceeding product expectations.
ISO 14001- Environmental management systems
TSMC's ISO 14001:2015 certification demonstrating our commitment to environmental management fully in compliance with current and future statutory and regulatory requirements. ISO 14001 is a global standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system, the purpose of the standard is to provide a framework and requires organizations to effectively manage its environmental impacts through commitments to pollution prevention, legal compliance and constantly improve their performance. As a spring manufacturer with more than 30years history, we at TSMC are aware that some of our operations have an impact on the environment and realizes the importance of preserving the environment. We therefore have undertaken efforts to implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system and are committed to operating the business responsibly that to control and improve environmental performance with respect to our products, services and activities. To this end, in 2006 we introduced 1st edition of environmental management system standard ISO 14001:2000, and this year we have become accredited to the high level structure of the ISO 14001:2015.
Dun&Bradstreet (D&B ) 鄧白氏企業認證
Tech Spring Manufacturing Corp., holder of Dun Registered certificate since 2002 and is assigned the D&B DUNS Number : 65-744-8049. With over 30 years of experience manufacturing and design high quality springs, precision parts, TSMC always sticks to our principle of reliability, quality integrity and service. Since 2012 we have received D-U-N-S Registered certificate which assigned the D&B DUNS Number : 65-744-8049 and is now part of the DUN Registered Global Database.
TÜV Rheinland 德國萊因
TSMC is now TÜV certified for the basic information, management information and operation information area. TÜV Rheinland Certification is a crucial aspect for all customers, now rightly increasingly demanding. Since 2016 TSMC has obtained approval certification from TÜV for the basic information, management information and operation information.
Conflict Minerals Policy Statement(無衝突礦產聲明宣告)
TSMC is committed to social and environmental responsibility in which we operate, as part of the commitment, TSMC seeks to source materials from suppliers that to that share our values around human rights, ethics and the protection of environment.
With respect to the “conflict minerals” isue it is TSMC's policy to not knowingly purchase materials that contain conflict minerals and avoid contributing to conflict through sourcing practices.
Conflict Minerals Declaration
Tech Spring manufacturing Corp.is aware of our obligations with regards to laws and regulations regarding Conflict Minerals, specifically the Dodd-Frank all Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
Section 1502. (Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, H.R. 4173)
Tech Spring manufacturing Corp. does not directly source or process conflict minerals such as Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, or Gold that originating in the Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) or its adjoining
As part of our reasonable due diligence Tech Spring manufacturing Corp. has contacted all of relative suppliers within our supply chain to verify their continued compliance with the regulations of Section
1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act、Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
大億彈簧工業有限公司基於企業社會責任與國際正義的實踐,且因應美國國會通過的金融改革法案 (Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, H.R. 4173) ,為避免產品原料與生產過程中會使用到非法採礦之
大億彈簧工業有限公司承諾不支持、不使用來源為剛果民主共和國或其一鄰接國家,凡是直接或間接、資助或有益於武裝衝突、違反勞工權利或人權,所開採之「衝突礦產」,包括:錫、鉭、鎢、金或該等礦產衍生物,或美國Secretary of State 認定任何其他礦產係屬資助剛果民主共和國或其一鄰接國家有關衝突。
大億彈簧工業有限公司願遵守現有或將來發佈有關「衝突礦產」之一切規定或辦法,通知及提供證據協助查察礦產來源及產銷監管流程,以確保符合Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act、Securities Exchange Act of 1934、美國Securities and Exchange Commission 所制定規則等相關規範。